Todd Faller
Below is an excerpt from our "Behind the Leaf" publication. Enjoy getting to know Todd a little bit more.
More About Todd
Joined the team: started the business in December 1989
On the Job (what you do daily and/or weekly): Oversee, and take part in day to day operations including plant production, retail, office work, landscape installation, and store maintenance.
Favorite plant and why: Fringed Sage, a Nebraska native, which reminds me of camping in western Nebraska with its sweet sagebrush scent.
Where did you get your green thumb: I grew up in the industry with my dad managing the Earl May in Columbus, Nebraska.
Hobbies: camping and fishing
Favorite food: nachos, bbq ribs, boston cream cake, pie (almost any kind)
Favorite TV Show: Present Day - Last Man Standing. In the Past - The Carol Burnett Show
Most important part of the landscape: The process and then the finished product.
Most rewarding part of your job: Working with nature and having that sense of accomplishment.
Gardening tool you can’t live without: That’s easy -- my pruner. I’ve almost put it on when I go to church on Sunday because I am so used to wearing it.
Favorite thing to do outside of work: Walk out in my pasture and enjoy nature.
Best part of 2017: Great weather for the most part, survived another year, time with family and a job I enjoy.
Biggest goal for 2018: Survive another year, enjoy family and work. Oh, and GO HUSKER FOOTBALL!
Favorite childhood memory: Vacations and playing with my neighborhood friends, usually on our Schwinn bicycles.
Favorite snack: Potato chips and popcorn….sorry
One thing you can’t live without: Water, food and shelter, but besides that hamburger and pies.
Favorite thing to do at work: Grow plants, trees in particular, and feeling that sense of accomplishment
If you were a tree, what would you be and why: An evergreen, most likely a fir, because I would be about my duties year round…..and smell good.
What makes you laugh? Many things, but especially my grandchildren.
Hidden talent: Hearing everything my wife tells me the first time…..very hidden.
Favorite quote: “Work each day as if working for the Lord.” - Colossians 3:23
Todd's Educational Background
NCN - Nebraska Certified Nurseryman